I have a confession to make...
I HATE taking pictures of myself.
There I said it. I would be behind the camera than in front of it.
I think many women feel the same way.
Our vision in the mirror is somehow different than the one most cameras seems to capture.
I have been putting off taking pictures with my horse for years because I keep coming up with excuses.
I need to lose more weight.The grass should be a bit taller to cover my legs.I can't find a photographer that capture me as well as the filter in my head does.I need someone who knows how to pose horses (I have a huge pet peeve when it comes to body language.)I need a photographer that can take flattering pictures of "curves".I have nothing to wear.
I could go on and on...
My husband took the image below on my 30th birthday,
when my only wish was for him to come riding with me. (He's good that way.)
It's one of the few good pictures I have of me & my girl.
My hose is now almost 30, and I still can find reasons why not to get in the picture with her!
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I suppose it's a blessing that I don't have children who will be missing out on pictures of their mom because of all of my hangups.
But what if I did?
Would they wonder why I didn't seem to exist for years at a time?
Why there are no pictures of me on the walls with the ones I love?
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It's something that I hope to change, my goal is to get some pictures of me with my girl.
And it's something that I hope will encourage others to do the same.
Stay Tuned!
I can't find a photographer that capture me as well as the filter in my head does. There it is! Our self mirrors always distort how we really look. But I'm guilty as well. We can have gigabytes of photos from vacations and I'm not in more than a couple of them! Because, of course, I'm the photographer! :-) Seriously, we women really need to get the head trash taken out, don't we? On a lighter note, your 30-year-old baby is gorgeous. I always love the shots of her you show us.