Today's my one-year anniversary of Suzi Worley Photography! As luck would have it, we just wrapped up my Behind the Scenes video this morning! I thought I would share it with you all here as well, as it includes quite a few of my images from the session.

I created this as a tool for my teens and graduates sessions, but since it shows the make-up and hair portion it also applies to the make-over sessions I do as well. Plus most of my sessions end up being like this... we walk around a lot, change locations and outfits, have unexpected surprises (in this case a horse volunteered for a few shots), and we have tons of fun in the process.
I am so happy that I made it through my first year! It has been great fun and such a learning experience on so many levels. I have enjoyed making new friends, and can't wait to see what year two has in store. Thanks to all of you who have helped make my dream become a reality!
~ Suzi
Congrats again on a wonderful journey this past year! It's been great watching your business succeed!