I was growing up we always went out and picked some "May Flowers" today, and gave them to our Mom, neighbors, friends, etc.

If time allowed, that usually meant tromping through the woods to find wildflowers! I fondly remember picking pretty bouquets of trillium, columbine, blood-root (it stained your hands red when picked), Dutchman's breeches, violets, buttercups, wild geranium, and Sweet William. Pretty weeds and grasses sometimes found their way into the arrangement as well. If we were lucky we might find a Morel Mushroom or two! (Although they usually wait until Mother's Day to make their appearance.)
Today I combined some roses with a few flowers I found in my yard. (Lavender and iris.)
I also combined a cute gift voucher as I'm partnering with a local florist to deliver a bouquet of roses (and pretty filler) on Mother's Day.
It's a pretty sweet deal, if I do say so myself.
Since I didn't have any flowers from the florist yet, I made up my own arrangement for now.
The white iris are actually fragrant, and compliment the lavender quite well.
There are also a few pretty white day lilies in the mix too.
I can't wait to see who'll be getting flowers and photos this Mother's Day!
Yeah for May!
I totally forgot today was "May Day"! Your roses are so lovely, makes we want to run right out and find some flowers to brighten my day. On a side note, I went to your recent post at your other site, but couldn't find a place to leave a comment. Am I missing something? Hope your day is going well. xoxo