Friday, January 4, 2013

A Great Start to the New Year

One of my goals for this year is to give this blog a bit more attention.
When I'm in the middle of client sessions I sometimes don't take the time to post here.
So to start 2013 off on the right foot, I'm featuring this cute little newborn.
She was SO active, and didn't really want to sleep through her session.
Her idea of fun was to be held or fed.
But when she did fall asleep she looked quite angelic.
Tiny Toes
 There's something about tiny toes that just make me smile, and I'm so glad she held them still long enough for a few captures.
I can only wonder where these feet will take her during her lifetime.
Happy Family
Welcome to the world baby O, your parents (and big sister) are truly blessed.


  1. Beautiful. Love the lighting in the second shot.

  2. How precious! A wonderful way to begin the new year. Sorry I haven't able to get over here sooner. I love the little foot!
